A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.”
– Diane Mariechild
When it comes to money, gender matters. Despite many positive trends wherein women are gaining economic power and influence, it is still notable that as well-educated, successful and independent as you may be, there are still major gaps and unmet needs when it comes to securing a sense of confidence and comfort around your personal finances.
Silver Oak Wealth Advisors recognizes that women tend to think, feel, and approach money differently. Our Women’s Circles are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment where women can talk to one another about what matters, feel connected, empowered and inspired around money.
Led by a trained and experienced facilitator, Women’s Circle is a safe and supportive environment where women can:
- Talk to one another about what matters to us.
- Discover ways to apply our strengths to our finances.
- Share our stories, experiences, and collective wisdom around money and life.
- Feel connected, empowered and inspired.
What transforms a meeting into a circle is the willingness of people to shift from informal socializing or opinionated discussion into a receptive attitude of thoughtful speaking and deep listening, and to embody and practice the agreements of the circle as below
- Confidentiality – What is said here stays here
- Be present – Listen with attention; speak with intention
- Take turns to talk, resist the urge to interrupt or to tell and fix
- Seek learning and self-knowledge as opposed to defending our positions.
- Shared leadership and equal participation
- Ask for what we need and offer what we can
When we meet in our Circle, each of us are seen and heard, and amazing things happen. We get healthier, we gain insights from others that help us in our own lives, and we find new balance. We learn. Connect. Change a behavior. Get unstuck. Gain courage.
Women accomplish great things when we collaborate. Join us!
Please take note of our 2020 Women’s Circle to be held on the following evenings:
Contact Linda Cao at lcao@silveroakwa.com to start the money conversation today and claim the financial worth and value you deserve!