Silver Oak Insights

Well-being – The Key To Live A Thriving Life
When you think about the word “well-being”, what comes to mind? Health and wealth? Happiness and success? Well, it may be different from what you think of. Based on the book “Well-Being”, by Tom Rath and Jim Harter, well-being is about the combination of our love for...

Developing a Healthy Family Culture Starts with These 10 Habits
Below are 10 habits that lead to a healthy family culture, used with permission from Pullen Consulting Group, LLC, a training organization for financial professionals through which Silver Oak Wealth Advisors has gleaned immeasurable insight and knowledge to support...

Empowering Women Changes the World
Gender equality, women, and financial power is something to embrace. The news about Melinda and Bill Gates’ divorce has been in the news headlines. It is shocking and newsworthy given their public profile and the level of assets to split. But the most interesting...

The Priceless Gift: How to Pass On Your Values, Wisdom and Blessings in a Legacy Letter
In January, Susan Turnbull of Personal Legacy Advisors and Linda Cao of Silver Oak Wealth Advisors led a thought-provoking and inspiring program that broadened our imagination on what legacy means. Through interesting examples,...

2020 Reflection and New Year Message from Silver Oak
As we look back at all the craziness that has occurred in 2020, my team and I at Silver Oak want you to know how very grateful we are for the warm and affirming relationships we share with you, our clients, colleagues, and friends. Certainly, this has been a year...

How Risk Tolerant Are You?
As the economy is reopening and people return to normal activities, we all face this question; How safe do I need to be? With a surge of new COVID-19 cases in many states, practicing intelligent and informed safety measures has become even more important. Similarly...

Making Sense of the Stock Market and Economy
There is no doubt that we are living in unprecedented times. Since early March, we have seen about 40 million people, or 25% of the U.S. labor force, file for unemployment, comparable to the Great Depression. On April 20th, U.S. oil prices briefly fell to $ -37.62 a...

Great Pause
It’s been over two months since the Shelter-at-Home order has been in place in California and in most parts of the country. Our lives have changed so dramatically it feels surreal. At this point, many of us are experiencing some form of “quarantine fatigue” and are...

CARES ACT of 2020 and Other Useful Resources
Last week we have seen a massive fiscal policy response to the Coronavirus crisis. We put together the relevant resources and planning tips to share with you in this email. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 has been enacted as of...

What Do We Do Now?
So much change in a week’s time! We are sure that you are feeling what we are feeling our world has gone topsy turvy. The Covid-19 virus has disrupted everything from our physical and economic health to our mental health and our sense of security. We are reminded of a...